My first blog...
It's Saturday afternoon and it has been raining pretty much non-stop since yesterday morning in my neck of the woods. The constant rain is the only reason I have finally created this blog, I just can't bring myself to go out and accomplish anything.
I know people usually post pictures along with their blogs but I am not that adept at this whole blog thing yet. If I was that tech savvy I would insert a picture of myself here. The
caption would be something like: Me, on the couch and in my PJ's (at 3:00 in the afternoon) blogging on the laptop.
Be glad I spared you the picture, it would not be pretty.
So, the weather is making me lazy and a little bit out of sorts. This is particularly worrisome considering Ben and I will be relocating to Portland in just a few short months. Let's hope the rain doesn't have the same affect on me there!
I guess I had better get motivated but more exciting news and
updates to follow (and probably pictures as well)!