Seriously, who would want to deny hotties like this the right to marry? All babes deserve equal rights. If you disagree, watch out. The sign says it, their moms are not happy that their daughters rights are being taken away. I'd be afraid, they are some tough ladies.

It's been a while since we've had a sunny Saturday. We were thrilled we wouldn't have to attend the rally in the rain. Hmmm...maybe a sign from God. Looks like God might heart the gays after all. And damn, we're a good looking group.

A future activist in the making. K-man had a good time at the boy-boy/girl-girl rally, as he calls it.

My future sister in law.

This is quickly moving up my list of favorite pictures ever, so sweet. K-man loves his Lex.

I loved this cute little family. The kids were so excited to be there. I can't get over how concise and neatly lettered their signs are, they're so coordinated. That kind of thing makes me happy. Some day when I have kids, I hope we look this organized at our protests.

Just a little piece of the crowd. I have to admit I cried when I saw the woman holding the sign that said "I love my gay son" and the teenage girl with the "Let my brother marry" sign. I can't help it, I'm sensitive.

There are no words.
1 comment:
I'm sending out Christmas cards/letters. Can you get me your address? Email me jennifer.pear@gmail.com
That is some nice lettering on the protest signs! Wow.
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