Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A New Year = Adventure

Finally a few moments of peace. The holidays were crazy, CRAZY! Then after the new year we were off to Portland for a week of vacation. I returned to work only to find that I had been laid off. Now I find myself with an inordinate amount of spare time, a direct result of my current unemployed status. (the mortgage industry, ugh).

Since I am not working Ben and I will be headed for Portland permanently at the end of February. We are scared and nervous but unbelievably excited for the adventures we know are ahead. We will be living with Ben's ridiculously kind sister until we find a place of our own. Picture 4 adults, one kindergartner, 3 dogs and a cat all living in close quarters. AWESOME!! It will be excellent material for blogs to come I'm sure.

For the next 6 weeks I have decided to forgo a job in lieu of doing all the things I want to do but never have time for like:
One of my resolutions this year was to read more, at least 2 books a week which I used to do regularly but somehow tapered off last year to about a book a month. I am halfway through one of the most amazing books I have ever read (and I've read a lot of books). The fact that I can say it is amazing and I am only halfway through on it's own says something. So, anyone reading this blog should run to their local library and check out Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran -Foer. You will laugh out loud, you will be moved to tears, you will ache with sadness (in a good way) and that's just the first chapter. The story of a young boy who loses his father on 9/11, it may sounds sappy and cheesy but believe me it is not.
I started a Bikram Yoga 30 day challenge last week. 90 minutes of the most intense exercise ever, every day for 30 days. After a class it takes about 2 hours to fully gain my motor skills back but the sense of accomplishment after completing a class is amazing. Yoga makes me happy.
I always say I am going to volunteer, for the ACLU, political campaigns, etc. So with the next 6 weeks free I will be working at least 2 days a week at the Obama HQ downtown. To sum up how I feel about Barack, just read this quote from Gary Lamb, former president of the Iowa Farmers Union, "Every time we are in our darkest hour a leader emerges who inspires us, brings us together, and has the creativity to solve our problems. During the Great Depression, it was FDR. At the height of the Cold War, it was JFK Now, we face another dark hour where we are at peril, and we need a leader of integrity and courage who can restore respect and dignity to this great nation and truly create a government of the people, for the people, and by the people. And that leader is Sen. Barack Obama."
I love that quote, so on that note, I will call it a day.
To all my friends (especially the women), register to vote if you are not already. Your politics may not agree with mine but I still hope you will get out and vote in both the primary and general elections. Get involved!


Debby de Carlo said...

You are a fine writer, Erin. I will check out the book. I am looking forward to sharing titles with you!
Did you like Mr. Emerson's Wife?
Debby/Madre/Nonna (Ben's Mom)

Melinda said...

Wow! That was quite an inspired entry! Don't be mad at me but I'm not registered. I always mean to but then I get mad at the dirty campaigns and I don't do it. I heard a prediction that this will be the dirtiest campaign in history! Sad. I want to register though because otherwise I don't have room to complain! I remember when we voted in Mrs. Walter's class. Here's a good laugh- remember when she hit the deer on the way to school and had to kill it? Our 6th grade memories are the best! Hey if you have too much free time come see us! We would love that! Melinda~

dani-pack said...

i'm so glad you like the book. it's hard to convince people that a book about 9/11 can be less than complete cheese (see such films as World Trade Center for prime examples of the exploitation of tragedy). nonetheless, i am so excited that you are enjoying it. just wait until you finish the power of one!