Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Lighter Side...

To counter my politics, preachy, theme heavy posts of late, here are some things I found funny and interesting today...

From The Bryant Park Project

Simon Says: Google This

As Matt Martinez reported in
The Most today, the number one search on Google Trends early this morning was the word "precocious." That's what "American Idol" judge Simon Cowell called a hapless hopeful, who will not be going to Hollywood. I guess he was referring to the fact that at the tender age of 16 she was attempting a Janis Joplin song. He didn't seem to mean it as a compliment, anyway.

But the singer didn't even know what "precocious" means, and apparently neither did a lot of viewers, who started typing the term into the ol' Googler to find out more.

My favorite thing about Google Trends is the "related searches" feature. Here's what people were typing as they tried to figure out what the heck Simon was talking about. People who clearly are not now and probably never have been precocious:

precautious, precoshus, precarious, precautions, define precocious

This is in reality not actually funny, it's a little sad but I still found it amusing.

And in honor of the Super Bowl being held in sunny Arizona this weekend (and the horrible traffic I experienced today in Old Town. Banners of P-Diddy on every corner, are you kidding me?!).
Go here and listen to In Fair Glendale, the Bard's Super Bowl Play. This made Ben and I laugh when we heard it in the car on our local NPR station.

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