Thursday, February 14, 2008

More Project Runway

I understand that it's weird to blog about a TV show but does anyone else even watch this show? You should because if you did, you would be blogging about it also.
The challenge this week was exciting after last weeks tack fest. That challenge was truly craptacular, just for the record.

This week the designers had to pick a work of art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and design an outfit inspired by that work of art.

And the winner is...

Christian - of course. So, I know he's a super bitchy, mini sized queen. and I love him for it. Well for his bitchiness and the poof he calls hair. I want to carry him in my pocket or use him as a garden gnome or put him up on my mantle but still...I LOVE his clothes. I would wear this outfit, all 8 million pieces of it. Yes, I would look like a strange burnt marshmallow or a pirate on crack but I would wear it anyway. You have to wear the clothes dahlings, don't let the clothes wear you.

Do you need more reasons to love this show?


I wish I had a picture of the back, it was adorable.

And This: Yes, it is slightly reminiscent of the dress I posted previously but that pewter color makes me want to die, it's fabulous. Fabulously beautiful. And even without the poof, it's still a gorgeous dress. Sorry, I think I need a minute to swoon...

In the words of Christian, this show is FIERCE! I can't wait for Bryant Park. (Okay so I kind of cheated and looked at pictures of the designers final collections) You can see phots on the project rungay blog if you can't wait until the finale.

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