Monday, February 18, 2008

Total Eclipse of the Heart (Moon, actually)

It's a total eclipse of the moon, tell all your friends.

Finally, a lunar eclipse visible from America during a convenient time! We have a total lunar eclipse this Wednesday evening (February 20th) which should turn the moon red as Earth’s shadow passes over it. Maximum eclipse will be at 10:26 PM EST and 7:26 PST. Besides North and South America, the eclipse will be visible from western Europe and western Africa.

You will be able to see the eclipse without a telescope but use binoculars for a better view. I know i'm a dork but I will be watching the eclipse on Wednesday night, it will make me happy to think that people I love are doing the same thing at the same time.

If I knew how to insert audio you would be hearing Bonnie Tyler singing Total Eclipse of the Heart right now. I don't know how, too bad. I hope you singing it in your head though.

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