Sunday, March 16, 2008


Today, I start running. Let's face it, I need to lose weight and I have nothing better to do with my time right now.

So, I am going to run the Pints to Pasta 10k on September 7th. I figure if I put it here for all to see I can't back out. I expect everyone to check in and see how my running is going.

I am also going to shoot for the Helvetia Half Marathon on June 14th but that seems so close. We'll see, I'm going to try to keep my goals attainable.

Carrie - If you wanted to come visit me then, we could run it together. That would serve as some serious motivation.

Ben and I are going to look at a house at 3:00 and afterwards is my first run.


Carrie Anne said...

The June 14th half marathon sounds awesome! Send me a link or something with more information. You know I'm a total running junkie now. Here's my advice to you...for real...get some GOOD running shoes. Not some cheesy New Balance cross trainers. You need bonafide running shoes. And be prepared to shell out some cizz-ash for them. Mine are Pearl Izumi brand and I swear by them. Pricewise, they weren't too $130. Also, seriously consider investing in running gear such as 'wick/coolmax/duodry' clothing. It's totally worth it. It only takes running in 100% cotton to chafe before you learn your lesson. And if you want a VERY EASY running plan let me know and I'll email you mine. Mine started me running 3 miles as my first long run, and then very SLOWLY worked up to 13.1 miles. Very attainable, very do-able. And it only asked me to run 3 days/week. Seriously, if I can train for a half marathon (and actually do TWO) then anyone can do it. And you know I am going to hold you to it. And a 10K is a GREAT place to start at. But seriously, send me the info for the June race, I was looking for a race about that time. I'm doing another half marathon in May in Prescott and then the DisneyLand Half Marathon in September, so I'm looking for something inbetween!

Erin said...

Oh boy--GOOD LUCK!! I have never been able to run. I appreciate anyone who really can do it!!
So are you looking at a house to rent or buy?
xo, EH